IFFR Talks
Programme IFFR 2025
Overview of films
Tiger Talk: Cinema and the Rise of Authoritarianism
Filmmakers facing incursions on their freedoms share insights on maintaining their creativity in times of censorship and repression.
Bloodlines + Live Talk with Amie Siegel
Bloodlines will be followed by a live talk with internationally celebrated filmmaker and artist Amie Siegel.
Tiger Talk: Matthew Lax & Timoteus Anggawan Kusno
IFFR 2025 Artists in Focus Timoteus Anggawan Kusno and Matthew Lax discuss their respective artistic practices.
Tiger Talk: Women in Film – The Katja Raganelli Method
Katja Raganelli shares how her (extensive oeuvre of) portraits of female filmmakers came to be.
Big Talk: Alex Ross Perry & Peter Strickland
Two of the most uncompromising artists working in independent cinema today, reflect on their inspirations and creative journeys.
RTM Talk x Rotterdam Writers’ Room: All Good Things Come in Threes
An insight into process behind Drie dagen vis (2024) with writer-director Peter Hoogendoorn.
Big Talk: Cheryl Dunye & Albertina Carri
Award-winning trailblazers Albertina Carri and Cheryl Dunye reflect on their vast experiences in radical queer filmmaking.
Robby Müller Award: Lol Crawley
Recipient of the sixth Robby Müller Award, Lol Crawley BSC discusses his extensive oeuvre.
Tiger Talk: Futurisms
Multidisciplinary artists Omar Rodríguez-López and Antonio Jose Guzman explore the art of transcending genres and formats.
Big Talk: Miike Takashi & Saka Misako
Miike Takashi delves into his philosophy on the art and craft of filmmaking.
RTM Talk: Expanding Frames – Filmmaking as Research
Filmmaking as a research practice – an intimate conversation between Ine Lamers and Sam Koopman.
Big Talk: Cate Blanchett & Guy Maddin
Cate Blanchett and Guy Maddin discuss creative collaboration, film festivals, short films, and much more.