General conditions
Below you will find an explanation of the general conditions that apply to all products of International Film Festival Rotterdam.
Article 1: definitions
Article 2: methods of payment
Article 3: agreement
Article 4: filmvouchers
Article 5: tickets
Article 6: Tiger Membership and Tiger Membership Supreme
Article 7: liability
Article 8: intellectual ownership rights
Article 9: rules of conduct for International Film Festival Rotterdam and locations
Article 10: additional conditions
Article 1: definitions
In the current general conditions the following terms (in both plural and singular) will be defined as follows:
a. general conditions: the general conditions of International Film Festival Rotterdam;
b. customer: the party with which International Film Festival Rotterdam has a contractual agreement;
c. event: a public or private happening – for example, but not exclusively – an artistic performance, amongst which, but not limited to – a film performance, exhibition or live event.
d. location: the place where the event is held;
e. organiser; the party who is responsible for the production and/or organisation of the event;
f. agreement: the agreement between International Festival Rotterdam and you as client, regarding the sale and delivery of products of International Film Festival Rotterdam;
g. parties: referring to both you as customer and International Film Festival Rotterdam
h. International Film Festival Rotterdam: International Film Festival Rotterdam, the party with which you, as customer have a contractual agreement;
i. transaction number: unique number linked to a specific transaction/customer;
j. products: all products that are offered by International Film Festival Rotterdam, including tickets, merchandise and the Tiger Friend subscription;
k. ticket: proof of permission to enter an event;
l. filmvouchers: the festival coupon of International Film Festival Rotterdam, that is used for special offers and is given out to relations/associates. The festival coupon is a voucher, officially marked and given out by International Film Festival Rotterdam that can be exchanged for a ticket for a film performance in International Film Festival Rotterdam. Also in accordance with these general conditions;
m. promotion code: the promotion code can be used on the website of International Film Festival Rotterdam for discount on the clients purchase.
These general conditions are applicable and integral to every product reservation which the customer makes with International Film Festival Rotterdam and on further resulting agreements.
In these agreements, the general conditions of the owners of the locations also apply. In the case of conflict between the provisions of an agreement regarding the present general conditions and previous general conditions, the provisions of the agreement regarding the present general conditions will prevail. Copies of the general conditions of the owners of locations can be obtained at the locations concerned from the owners themselves.
2. Article 2: methods of payment
The following methods of payment are possible:
a. Purchase via the website of International Film Festival Rotterdam: Credit card (Mastercard, Visa and American Express) and iDEAL;
b. Purchase by PIN transaction at the festival service point. If products are paid for at the service desk they will not be sent in advance by International Film Festival Rotterdam.
3. Article 3: agreement
How an agreement is produced by payment through credit card or iDEAL:
a. An agreement is produced as soon as the International Film Festival Rotterdam receives payment (or authorisation of) from a customer;
b. If the agreement is produced via the website of International Film Festival Rotterdam, the customer will receive confirmation via e-mail.
Once an agreement has been made it is not possible to cancel it, break it or change it in any way.
4. Article 4: filmvouchers
If the customer, in regard to a ticket purchase, wishes to pay by voucher, then this purchase can be done online via the website. The remaining balance if applicable is due immediately during the purchase.
It is at the customer’s own risk, and he is fully responsible for the sending and receiving of vouchers through International Film Festival Rotterdam. International Film Festival Rotterdam accepts no responsibility for lost vouchers.
Vouchers can never be exchanged for money and also not in the event of bankruptcy of International Film Festival Rotterdam.
5. Article 5: tickets
Tickets that are delivered through International Film Festival Rotterdam remain the property of International Film Festival Rotterdam and are delivered to the customer by International Film Festival Rotterdam under the condition that, without prior written authorisation, the following is never permitted:
a. to sell the tickets on to third parties, whether commercial or otherwise, direct or indirect;
b. to offer the tickets, in any commercial manner or in any other way to refer to the tickets.
International Film Festival Rotterdam reserves the right to deny a reservation to a customer who is suspected or proved to be guilty of breaking the conditions above.
International Film Festival Rotterdam reserves the right, in the case of events with a maximum number of reserved tickets, to cancel the reserved tickets that go above this maximum number.
It is not possible to return booked tickets. Rebooking of tickets to another day or location is possible on request by contacting customer service.
6. Article 6. Tiger Membership and Tiger Membership Supreme
a. The duration of the Tiger Membership and the Tiger Membership Supreme subscription runs from 1 November until 1 November of the following calendar year;
b. Under no circumstances can the duration of the subscription as described in article 6.1.a and the corresponding subscription charge, be deviated from;
c. The subscription legally expires after cancelling the subscription by sending an email to [email protected];
d. International Film Festival Rotterdam reserves the right to unilaterally change certain parts of the subscription.
7. Article 7: liability
In the case that an event is cancelled by the organiser or owner of the location, International Film Festival Rotterdam will never refund more than the cost of the ticket or subscription, if it can be proved to International Film Festival Rotterdam that the ticket has been purchased. Possible extra costs that the customer has paid for the services of International Film Festival Rotterdam will not be refunded. International Film Festival Rotterdam is never liable for any possible direct or indirect costs or payments.
International Film Festival Rotterdam is never liable for damages resulting in the death, injury, accident, loss, breakage or theft caused to the customer or as a result of visiting an event or location.
In the case that International Film Festival Rotterdam cannot, due to extenuating circumstances, fulfil all or part of its obligations to a customer, the agreement will be cancelled and neither party will have the right to compensation.
Extenuating circumstances can include: war, terrorist threat, danger of war, riots, epidemics, governmental crisis (both at home and abroad), the death of one or more members of the royal family, fire, strikes, failure and damage to equipment and equipment control systems, disruption and striking of transport, flooding, power cuts, sabotage and in general any unforeseen circumstances, both at home and abroad, that International Film Festival Rotterdam consider reasonable circumstances to cancel an agreement.
International Film Festival Rotterdam accepts no liability at all for the loss of products or vouchers (or a part thereof) caused by the customer.
International Film Festival Rotterdam accepts no liability for the sale and delivery of products which do not belong to International Film Festival Rotterdam; nor for agreements that are not fully completed, whether requested by the customer or not, and where a third party is directly or indirectly involved.
8. Article 8: Intellectual ownership rights
All intellectual ownership rights related to the name, logo, possible text and (advertising) music of International Film Festival Rotterdam, and also the company policy of International Film Festival Rotterdam generally rest with International Film Festival Rotterdam. The customer is not permitted to make these public, make a third party make these public, to duplicate them or use them in any other way for their own reasons, either directly or indirectly, without prior written permission from the International Film Festival Rotterdam.
All intellectual ownership rights related to the name of an event, location, logo and so forth rest with the organiser or the original claimants of the related event or with the owner of the location, The customer is not permitted to use these publicly, either directly or indirectly, without prior written permission from the related claimants.
9. Article 9: rules of conduct for the International Film Festival Rotterdam/locations
The customer is required to keep to the rules of the Code of Conduct IFFR and the owners of locations with relation to events and products delivered by International Film Festival Rotterdam. A number of the most important rules are mentioned below:
a. It is forbidden to bring photo, film, sound and/or any recording equipment into a location and also it is forbidden to record films, video and other copyright protected work. It is also not permitted to have a mobile phone switched on during a performance. If any such equipment is found International Film Festival Rotterdam and the owner of the location reserve the right to confiscate the aforementioned equipment at any time;
b. It is forbidden to bring food, drink, glass, (plastic) bottles, cans, fireworks, weapons or other dangerous articles into an event and/or location. The organiser and owner of the location reserve the right to search visitors as they enter a location at any time. The organiser and owner of a location reserve the right to deny access to a location to visitors who do not collaborate with the aforementioned search;
c. International Film Festival Rotterdam and owners of locations reserve the right to deny access to a visitor at any time if they have reason to suspect that this visitor has a ticket that has not been obtained from International Film Festival Rotterdam or one of its authorised sales points;
d. International Film Festival Rotterdam and the owner of the location reserve the right to deny entry to visitors at any time who arrive after an event has started;
e. International Film Festival Rotterdam, the owner of the location and collaborating partners reserve the right at any time to make visual and/or sound recordings of an event. The customer declares himself aware of this right and agrees with it, and renounces the right to prevent the use of his own image/resemblance in subsequent publications and duplication of the aforementioned recordings;
f. When you are in or near a festival location, you may be photographed or filmed by IFFR or external parties, resulting in publication and distribution.
10. Article 10: additional conditions
If at any time any article in these general conditions or any part of an agreement should become null and void, or destroyed, then the rest of the general conditions of the agreement will remain valid. In this situation the parties, in regard to the null and void or destroyed passages, will find a regulation that most closely resembles the intentions of the agreeing parties and the current general conditions.
Supplements and modifications in regard to the agreement and these general conditions can only be made in writing.
Possible complaints by customers as a result of services provided by the International Film Festival Rotterdam must be communicated in writing to the department of customer services of the International Film Festival Rotterdam ([email protected]), which takes care that complaints will be handled within a reasonable time and not more than six weeks after being received.
Any disputes which could arise as the result of an agreement and/or these general conditions will be dealt with according to Dutch law and will, in the first instance, be brought before a competent judge in the Rotterdam district.