Focus: Chile in the Heart
Overview of films
La triple muerte del tercer personaje
An enigmatic film from one of the most famous Chilean directors to go into exile.
A los pueblos del mundo
A record of Pinochet’s crimes, one of few Chilean exile films made in the US.
El recurso del método
A visually luscious and stunning parable based on Alejo Carpentier’s eponymous novel.
Die Revolution kann keiner aufhalten
A brief overview of the Unidad Popular’s achievements that were quashed by the Pinochet regime.
Fragmentos de un diario inacabado
After leaving Chile, Angelina Vázquez weaves a tapestry of sights and voices resisting the dictatorship.
Venían a buscarme
A dialogue between two generations of exiles: one remembers, one discovers the past through documents.
Extranjeros (Främlingar)
A documentary about Chilean exile life in Sweden following one woman and those she meets.
La piedra crece donde cae la gota
Agitprop-documentary about political oppression and torture in Chile.
En un lugar no muy lejano
Made during a period in-between, the Chilean condition of exile is described in pan-Latin American terms.