Dora García
More information will follow soon.
Dora García at IFFR
Zimmer, Gespräche
An encounter between a Stasi officer and his informer leads to a tense confrontation.
Film (Hôtel Wolfers)
A subjective reflection on the phenomenon of ‘the subjective camera’ in Samuel Beckett’s film Film.
The Breathing Lesson
A middleaged woman caresses the head of a very young girl. After these few seconds of comfort, she resumes a commanding stance and begins to clap h
The Joycean Society
A group has been reading a book, word by word for 30 years. A snapshot of the third reading cycle, the ultimate form of close reading.
The Glass Wall
The Glass Wall started as a performance in which two people were permanently in contact with each other through a mobile with a headset, and gave e
Steal This Book
The publication Steal this Book documents eleven recent performance projects and, as a sculpture, is meant to be stolen. The artist explains.