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30 Jan – 9 Feb 2025

Pethrus Tibúrcio

Pethrus TIBÚRCIO is a non-binary filmmaker living in northeastern Brazil with a degree in Social Communication. They have directed music videos and experimental short films. Tell Her What Happened to Me (2024) is their first funded short film. Tibúrcio is preparing to shoot their second funded short, What’s Mine is Mine and their debut feature film, Marina, which was selected for IFFR’s Bright Future programme in 2019. Over the past ten years, they have been an assistant director on more than 30 films, working with artists such as Kleber Mendonça Filho, Karim Aïnouz and Marcelo Gomes. They were part of the Audience Design programme at Berlinale Talents Rio 2024, with their research project Tela Trans: an archive that compiles all scripted and directed audiovisual productions by trans people in Brazil. Pethrus directed the short documentary We Won’t Lose Weight (2016) and co-directed Wednesday (2014). Tell Her What Happened to Me won the best screenplay award from Projeto Paradiso and was selected for the Em Curta editing lab.


(all short) Wednesday (co-dir. 2014), We Won’t Lose Weight (co-dir. 2016, short doc), Fale a Ela o que me Aconteceu/Tell Her What Happened to Me (2024)

Pethrus Tibúrcio at IFFR