Harun Farocki
Harun FAROCKI (1944-2014, Germany) studied at the Film and TV Academy in Berlin. He made about 70 films in various genres from 1965 onwards. From 1973 to 1984, he wrote for the film journal Filmkritik. Most of his films are ‘essays’ on sociological or political themes. Farocki participated in various solo and group exhibitions in museums and galleries. He taught at the University of Berkeley and later became a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. He passed away in 2014.
(selection) Jeder ein Berliner Kindl (1966, short), Zwei Wege (1966, short), Die Worte des Vorsitzenden (1967, short), Ihre Zeitungen (1968), Nicht löschbares Feuer (1969), Die Teilung aller Tage (1970), Eine Sache, die sich versteht (1971), Der Aerger mit den Bildern (1973), Zwischen zwei Kriegen (1978), Zur Ansicht Peter Weiss (1979), Der Geschmack des Lebens (1979, short), Etwas wird sichtbar (1982), Jean-Marie Straub et Danielle Huillet drehen einen Film nach Franz Kafkas Amerika (1983, short), Peter Lorre: das doppelte Gesicht (1984), Wie man sieht (1986), Bilder der Welt und Inschrift des Krieges (1989), Leben BRD (1989), Videogramme einer Revolution (1992), Arbeiter verlassen die Fabrik (1995, short), Schnitstelle (1995), Die Bewerbung/The Application (1997), Gefängnisbilder/Prison Images (2001), Die Schöpfer der Einkaufswelten/The Creators of the Shopping Worlds (2001), Erkennen und Verfolgen (2003), Nicht ohne Risiko (2004), Zum Vergleich (2009)
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Harun Farocki
Wikipedia, Harun Farocki
Harun Farocki at IFFR
Videogramme einer Revolution
Reconstruction of a revolution. During the fall of Ceausescu in Romania in 1989, demonstrators took over state television to broadcast their revolu
Out of the Present
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Videogramme einer Revolution
Reconstruction of a revolution. During the fall of Ceausescu in Romania in 1989, demonstrators took over state television to broadcast their revolu
Ich glaubte, Gefangene zu sehen
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Die innere Sicherheit
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Before the rest of the world was confronted with the omnipresence of cameras, prisons were filled with surveillance equipment to spy on the inmates
Jeder ein Berliner Kindl
A short parody on advertising Farocki made as a film student, before he was expelled from the Deutsche Film und Fernsehenakademie Berlin (DFFB).
Erkennen und Verfolgen
Since the Gulf War in 1991, warfare and reporting it have become hyper technological affairs, in which real and computer-generated images cannot be
Film-maker Farocki lets us look over his shoulder as he is editing.