Serik Aprymov focus
Overview of films
Tri brata
Latest film by Serik Aprimov is an ‘adult fairytale’ about the the dangerous dreams and illusions of youth in a Kazhakstan village torn
A story about changing moral values in today’s Kazakhstan. The quiet and ordered life of Aman is disrupted when his brother from the city lea
The only genre piece by Aprymov: a psychological crime story, based on Dostoevsky’s ‘The Meek’. This film does not focus on the d
Two Were Riding the Motor Cycle
The first, short film Aprimov made as a student at the Moscow film academy. An episode from village life in Kazakhstan was filmed with amateurs, su
De laatste halte / the Last Stop
‘Perestroika’ film with a critical (yet not social-realistic) look at society. A soldier returns to his home village and finds only cha