Super-8 Game Arcade consists of three old fashioned gaming machines in original size, reproducing interactive, digital game surfaces with the help of solely analogue and/or mechanical projectors. The inside of the machines consists of mechanically altered 8mm film and slide projectors. The game surfaces are created on 8mm film and projected as film loops. The interaction or navigation through the game happens mechanically or by buttons and switches, and the synchronization of players, image and sound happens by light sensors which are integrated in the surface of the game. Racer: The machine depicts a moving street environment through which the player must safely drive with a car. Pixelblaster: Hero of the game is a little robot who has to escape bullets that are falling down. By choosing a game, the player can define the way the bullets are falling down the light-screen. High Noon: Mobilephone Cinematica. The project High Noon combines the home cinema format Super with new technologies suitable for film. Mobileskino plays the decisive shooting scene of the classic film High Noon, combined with mobile phone antennas.