Marina Abramovic
Marina ABRAMOVIC (1946, Serbia) was educated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade and makes video art and performances in which she explores the physical and mental limits of the body. She has withstood pain, exhaustion and danger in her quest for emotional and spiritual transformation. From 1975-1988 she collaborated with the artist Ulay. In 1976, she went to Amsterdam to perform a piece and decided to move there permanently. The Museum of Modern Art (New York) showed a retrospective of her work in 2010.
(selection) Rhythm 5 (1974, short), Rhythm 0: A Slide Show (1974, short), Video Portrait Gallery (1975, instal), Thomas Lips (The Star) (1975, short), Role Exchange (1975, instal), Art Must Be Beautiful/Artist Must Be Beautiful (1975), Freeing the Voice (1975, short), Relation in Space (1976, co-dir), Freeing the Memory (1976, short), Freeing the Body (1976, short), Relation in Movement (1977, co-dir), Imponderabilia (1977, co-dir), Rest Energy (1980, co-dir), Relation in Movement: The Van, 1975-1980 (1980, co-dir), Avalokiteshvara (The Dalai Lama Film) (1983, doc short), The Lovers: The Great Wall Walk (1988, co-dir), The Lovers: Boat Emptying, Stream Entering (1988, co-dir), Dragon Heads (1990, instal), Dragon Head No.7 (1990, short), Dragon Head No.6 (1990, short), Dragon Head No.5 (1990, short), Dragon Head No.4 (1990, short), Dragon Head No.3 (1990, short), Dragon Head No.2 (1990, short), Dragon Head No.1 (1990, short), Cleaning the Mirror II (1995, short), Cleaning the Mirror I (1995, instal), The Onion (1995, short), In Between (1996, instal), Image of Happiness (1996), Spirit House-Luminosity (1997, short), Spirit House – Lost Souls (1997, short), Spirit House – Insomnia (1997, short), Spirit House – Dissolution (1997, short), Spirit House (1997, instal), Lost Souls (1997, instal), Dozing Consciousness (1997, instal), Balkan Baroque (Bones) (1997, instal), The Hunt (1998, instal), The Hero (2001, short), Stromboli (2002, short), At the Waterfall (2003, instal), Tesla Urn (2004, short), Count on Us (2004, instal), Nude with Skeleton (2012, short), Marina Abramovic – Balkan Erotic Epic: Women Massaging Breasts (2005, short), Balkan Erotic Epic: Women in the Rain (2005, short), Balkan Erotic Epic: Woman with Skull (2005, short), Balkan Erotic Epic: The Professor (2005, short), Balkan Erotic Epic: Single Man Copulating with the Earth (2005, short), Balkan Erotic Epic: Olivera Katarina Singing ‘O Lord Save Thy People’ (2005, short), Balkan Erotic Epic: Olivera Katarina Singing ‘My People Sleep a Deep and Lifeless Sleep’ (2005, short), Balkan Erotic Epic: Men with Erections in National Costume (right) (2005, short), Balkan Erotic Epic: Men with Erections in National Costume (left) (2005, short), Balkan Erotic Epic: Men with Erections in National Costume (centre) (2005, short), Balkan Erotic Epic: Marina Abramovic Massaging Breasts (close up) (2005, short), Balkan Erotic Epic: Man Masturbating in the Rain (2005, short), Balkan Erotic Epic: Group of Men Copulating with the Earth (2005, short), Balkan Erotic Epic (2005, instal), Destricted (2006), The Missing Peace: Artists Consider the Dalai Lama (2006, co-dir), Stories on Human Rights (2008, co-dir), 8 Lessons on Emptiness with a Happy End (2008, instal), The Kitchen VI: Vanitas (2009, short), The Kitchen V: Holding the Milk (2009, short), The Kitchen I: Levitation of Saint Theresa (2009, short), Sleeping Under the Banyan Tree (2010, short), Portrait with Golden Mask (2010, short), Confession (2010), The Artist is Present (2010, instal), Rhythm 5, 1974-2011 (2011, short), Dangerous Games (2012, short doc), Reel of Marina Abramovic’s T.V. Interviews, 1980s-90s (2016, TV), The Current (2017), Dragon Heads (2018, instal).
More info: Wikipedia, Marina Abramovic
Marina Abramovic at IFFR
Seven Easy Pieces by Marina Abramovic
Meticulous reconstruction of seven notorious performances from the 1970s by Marina Abramovic in 2005 in the Guggenheim Museum, New York. By, e.g., Nau
Cinema Regained
Dangerous Games
In a small house with oversized furniture, located in a rice field in Asia, some children wearing army clothes and carrying weapons start playing war.
Spectrum Shorts
Rest Energy
Ulay and Abramovic draw a large bow and arrow, one holding each side. The arrowhead points at Abramovic’s heart. The slightest movement could be fatal
Bright Future Short
Balkan Baroque
Fragmentary and discontinuous documentary is both a real and virtual autobiography with the well-known performance artist Marina Abramovic.
main programme
Role Exchange 1975
Film maker exchanges roles with a prostitute for four hours. Both of them assume the entire responsibility.
Spectrum Shorts