Jennifer Reeves
More information will follow soon.
Jennifer Reeves at IFFR
Light Work Mood Disorder
Part of a varied programme with (double) 16mm projections and live music. In cooperation with the musician Anthony Burr. Experimental adaptations i
He Walked Away
Not film with live music, but music with live film. Double projection of a remix of earlier Reeves work for the musician Anthony Burr. Of course in
Darling International
Atmospheric post-Warhol yet timeless narrative about lesbian sado-masochist relationships.
We Are Going Home
A gorgeous surrealistic film that has all of the characteristics of the trance film, structured around a dream sequence that has no real beginning
Fear of Blushing
A homage to the power and the transience of film as material and as a spectacle of light.
Landfill 16
The original images used a complex process to constitute an abstract painting with pulsing patterns. Primal screams from the wilderness fall silent
Experimental chronicle of insanity. Film-maker plays the role of a woman who mutilates herself.