Igor Bezinović
Igor BEZINOVIĆ from Rijeka, Croatia, studied philosophy, sociology and literature at the University of Zagreb, after which he trained as a filmmaker at the Zagreb Academy of the Dramatic Art. His first full-length documentary was The Blockade (2012) received the Oktavijan prize for best Croatian documentary and his hybrid feature A Brief Excursion (2017), which premiered at IFFR, and received the Big Golden Arena prize for best Croatian feature. His work has been celebrated internationally at numerous events.
Natprosjecan/Above Average (2009, short doc), Nepovratno (2009, short doc), Susret (2009, short doc), TDZ: za uspomenu i dugo sjecanje (2010, short doc), Goli sati (2011, short), Blokada/The Blockade (2012, doc), Samoupravni film/Self-Governed film (2012, short doc), Neposredna demokracija zahtijeva neposredan prostor (2012, short doc), Cekanje (2014, short doc), Vrlo kratki izlet/A Very Brief Excursion (2014, short), Od Krsana do Peroja/From Kršan to Peroj (2015, short doc), Veruda (2015, short doc), Kratki obiteljski film/A Short Family Film (2016, short doc), Kratki izlet/A Brief Excursion (2017), The Lovetts (2018, short doc), Cartolina de Momjan (2019, short doc), Kartoline (2019, TV series), Microcassette – the Smallest Cassette I’ve Ever Seen (2020, short doc), FIUME O MORTE! (2024)
More info: Igor Bezinović
Igor Bezinović at IFFR
Fiume o morte!
A fascinating hybrid documentary dramatises a singular moment in early 20th-century Italian and Croatian history.
A Brief Excursion
A group of Croatian friends trek through a barren landscape in searing heat, following Roko – half schlemiel, half Messiah. Narrator Stola pr
An Encounter
In 2009 in Croatia, students joined farmers in a demonstration for the first time. Although major media were present, this is the only video which