Georg Tiller

Georg TILLER (1982, Austria) studied philosophy and theatre before he transferred to the Film Academy of Vienna, where Michael Haneke was his teacher, and then Berlin. Since then he has been working as a freelance filmmaker and artist. His work was exhibited in the Centre George Pompidou and the Biennale of São Paulo. Tiller’s films have been screened and awarded at world-renowned film festivals among which are the Berlinale, International Film Festival Rotterdam and Viennale Film Festival.
km 43.3 Der Transsylvanische Holzfall/km 43,3 Transylvanian Timber (2007, short doc), Der Turm des Ornithologen/The Tower of Birds (2008, short doc), Vargtimmen – nach einer Szene von Ingmar Bergman/Vargtimmen – After a Scene by Ingmar Bergman (2010, short doc), Persona Beach (2011), DMD KIU LIDT (2014), White Coal (2015), Overnight Flies (2016), Zaho Zay (2020, co-dir)
Georg Tiller at IFFR
Persona Beach
Georg Tiller visits Fårö in search of the spiritual residue of Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman.
Edward Weki is visited by Nurse Alma (Bergman’s Persona) and a female version of Death (from The Seventh Seal).
White Coal
An industrial film on two kinds of labour: socialist and capitalist. A poetic investigation of human relations with the soil and the Earth. A strik