Antonin De Bemels
Antonin DE BEMELS (1975, Belgium) makes short films and videos in which he combines various media and genres (images, dance, music) into a new whole.
(all short) Dimanche n’est pas loin… (1995), Janus (1997), Phalange (1997), Trois jours et des poussières (1998), The Blue Room (1998), Scrub Solo 1-3 (1999-2001), Idiot’s Brew (2002), Peau Pierre (2002), A Silly Dance (2003), Il s’agit (2003), Au quart de tour (2004), Landslips (2004), Light Body Corpuscles (2005), Se fondre (2006), Mouthface (2008), La malédiction du Bonhomme Daniel (2010), MUCUS (uncacheable) (2019), PLEXUS (idle mode) (2019), HUMUS (multiplexing) (2019)
Antonin De Bemels at IFFR
HUMUS (multiplexing)
Between figurative and abstract, this one-man show is like Busby Berkeley for the digital age.
Scrub Solo 2: disolation
Slow motion and digital ‘scratched’ pictures of a solo-dance performance.
Energetic music video to the song On the Floor by Michael Fakesch, in which glances speak volumes.
Idiot’s Brew
Put some flour and a small amount of water, or any other kind of fluid, in a bowl, add all the odd stuff that goes through your mind and knead all
Scrub Solo 3: Soliloquy
Whirlwind frame scratch in which dancer Bud Blumenthal takes on almost Baconian forms.