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30 Jan – 9 Feb 2025


Overview of films

  • Dial Tone Drone

    Approaching the typical dial tone of a telephone as a form of drone music, Aura Satz invests a moment of non-communication with new meaning.

  • Always Here

    Sexcam couples often spend a large part of the day online solliciting customers. Ordinary conversations or even political debates unwittingly perme

  • Apariciones

    For Capelle, trying to grasp the concept of film is like chasing a rainbow. With a colourful collage of poetic images she evokes all kinds of menta

  • brbxoxo

    Special software allows us to peep into the world of sexcams, but only when the performers are not there. The emphasis is on their empty beds and o

  • I Feel Love

    A reading group interprets the lyrics of Donna Summer’s disco hit. A speech-recognition programme serves them up a different variation every time:

  • Bela Lugosi’s Dead

    Classic homage to one of the most famous horror actors by New Wave band Bauhaus, lovingly stretched to no less than nine haunting, Gothic hours.

  • The Port

    Hipkins combines quotes from H.G. Wells’ science fiction novel The Time Machine (1895) with images from Indian astronomic temples and landsca

  • [Working Title]

    Our bodies are conditioned by repeated work actions. Cornelio showcases herself at work, while attempting to organise and categorise her film archi

  • City Rising

    A meditation on life, love, work and privacy in neo-liberal times. The starting points are Constant Nieuwenhuys’ architectural maquettes for his ‘N