Overview of films
Dial Tone Drone
Approaching the typical dial tone of a telephone as a form of drone music, Aura Satz invests a moment of non-communication with new meaning.
Always Here
Sexcam couples often spend a large part of the day online solliciting customers. Ordinary conversations or even political debates unwittingly perme
For Capelle, trying to grasp the concept of film is like chasing a rainbow. With a colourful collage of poetic images she evokes all kinds of menta
Special software allows us to peep into the world of sexcams, but only when the performers are not there. The emphasis is on their empty beds and o
I Feel Love
A reading group interprets the lyrics of Donna Summer’s disco hit. A speech-recognition programme serves them up a different variation every time:
Bela Lugosi’s Dead
Classic homage to one of the most famous horror actors by New Wave band Bauhaus, lovingly stretched to no less than nine haunting, Gothic hours.
The Port
Hipkins combines quotes from H.G. Wells’ science fiction novel The Time Machine (1895) with images from Indian astronomic temples and landsca
[Working Title]
Our bodies are conditioned by repeated work actions. Cornelio showcases herself at work, while attempting to organise and categorise her film archi
City Rising
A meditation on life, love, work and privacy in neo-liberal times. The starting points are Constant Nieuwenhuys’ architectural maquettes for his ‘N