Art Directions: immersive media
Art Directions is the space where the festival steps out of the screening room and pushes the limits of what cinema can be. At galleries and artistic spaces across Rotterdam, encounter cinema in surprising forms: immersive media, performances, live music and visual art.

On display in Katoenhuis
All immersive media performances can be seen in Katoenhuis, a hub for Immersive Experiences. When you purchase a ticket for the immersive media experience in Katoenhuis, you also have access to the other four Art Directions installations that can be seen in Katoenhuis. The tickets are for a combination of Lacuna + Rave or Otherworlds + Revival Roadshow. The ticket price for immersive media is €12.50.
A list of films
Immersive Media: Otherworlds + Revival Roadshow
This programme features two Immersive Media works by Sophia Bulgakova and Luke Conroy & Anne Fehres.
Immersive Media: Lacuna + Rave
This programm features two Immersive Media works: Lacuna by Maartje Wegdam and Nienke Huitenga and Rave
Show Me the Light — VR Silent Disco
A virtual and rhythmic journey that, reimagining the silent disco, immerses us in search of light.
Based on fragments of memories and handed down stories, Sonja reconstructs her early childhood during WWII.
Revival Roadshow
An absurd and playful journey that explores both modern and future legacies of colonial history.