Haukur Hallsson
Haukur HALLSSON (1989, Iceland) is a Prague-based filmmaker. In 2016, he directed What Is Behind the Canvas? − A Journey from Tišnov to Prague, or How Karel Vacheck Brought Back His Paintings, a short portrait of Czech filmmaker Karel Vacheck. MÍR: Hundred Years of Revolution (2020) is his fourth short.
(all short) Koreny/Roots (2016), What Is Behind the Canvas? − A Journey from Tišnov to Prague, or How Karel Vacheck Brought Back His Paintings (2016, doc), In Praise of Doubt (2017), MÍR: Byltingin lengi lifi/MÍR: Hundred Years of Revolution (2020, doc)
Haukur Hallsson op IFFR
MÍR: Hundred Years of Revolution
De Sovjet-Unie bestaat niet meer, maar er zijn nog IJslanders die elke week samenkomen om Sovjetfilms te bekijken.
Cinema Regained