Benjamin de Burca
Benjamin DE BURCA (1975, Germany) studied at the Glasgow School of Art and the University of Ulster. Since 2011, he has been collaborating with Bárbara Wagner. Their work has been shown around the world, including at the Berlin International Film Festival and the Locarno Film Festival. In 2019, they represented Brazil at the Venice Biennale.
(all co-dir) Cinéma Casino (2013, instal), Faz que vai/Set to Go (2015, instal), Estás vendo coisas/You Are Seeing Things (2016, short), Bye Bye Deutschland! Eine Lebensmelodie/Bye Bye Germany!, A Life Melody (2017, short), Terremoto Santo/Holy Tremors (2017, short), Rise (2018, short), Swinguerra (2019, short)
Benjamin de Burca op IFFR
De spanningen tussen rivaliserende groepen non-binaire dansers lopen hoog op in deze wervelende inzending voor de Biënnale van Venetië.
Bright Future Short