Thomas Zummer
More information will follow soon.
Thomas Zummer at IFFR
Chimp for Normal Short
A statement on the course of civilisation made by studying a monkey at the wheel.
Paradise Crushed
The ‘last’ episode of Thornton’s ongoing science fiction serial Peggy and Fred in Hell encapsulates our history from the Industri
Peggie and Fred in Hell
A truly visionary excursion across the media landscape of our day, that defies all categories – it is a feature-length serial of film and vid
Drawings of Light
Thomas Zummer wittily examines the ways that media technologies such as photography, film, electrostatic copying and digitisation have elbowed them
Have a Nice Day Alone
Have a Nice Day Alone elicits a palpable experience of speech, in the guise of an experience of ‘artificial intelligence’.