Serra Akcan

Serra AKCAN (Turkey) has worked in Istanbul as a photographer since 2000. She also organises photography workshops with women, children and young people, as well as multimedia and video projects. Serra studied at the Faculty of Economics at Istanbul University and later photography at the New England School of Photography, Boston. Her work mainly focuses on gender equality, urban transformation, religious and ethnic minorities and migration. She is also a co-founder of NarPhotos Photography Collective (2003–2020) and a member of Women Photograph, The Journal Collective and Vatoz Platform, part of the Varız Buradayız Initiative.
Seen Unseen: An Anthology of (Auto)Censorship (co-dir. 2024)
Serra Akcan at IFFR
Seen Unseen: An Anthology of (Auto)Censorship
A collection of politically daring films stresses the need for criticality in times of censorship and repression.