Rose Lowder

Artist, filmmaker and teacher Rose LOWDER (1941, Peru) studied painting and sculpture at The Art Center and the School of Fine Arts in Lima, and also took courses in London at Regent Street Polytechnic and Chelsea School of Art. She’s worked as a painter, sculptor and film editor. Lowder concentrated on research and experimental filmmaking after 1977, co-founding the Experimental Film Archives of Avignon with Alain-Alcide Sudre, a publicly-funded 16mm film and printed document study collection. She creates her films frame by frame using her 16mm Bolex camera. Lowder also worked as an assistant professor at Pantheon-Sorbonne University in Paris between 1996 and 2005, where she gave classes in film practice, theory, history and aesthetics.
(all short) Roulement, rouerie, aubage (1978), Parcelle (1979), Couleurs mécaniques/Mechanical Colours (1979), Rue des Teinturiers (1979), Champ Provençal/Provençal Field (1979), Retour d’un repère/Recurrence (1979), Rapprochements (1979), Certaines observations (1979), Retour d’un repère composé/Composed Recurrence (1981), Les tournesols/Sunflowers (1982), Les tournesols colorés/Coloured Sunflowers (1983), Scènes de la vie française: Arles (1985), Scènes de la vie française: Paris (1986), Scènes de la vie française: La Ciotat (1986), Scènes de la vie française: Avignon (1986), Impromptu (1989), Quiproquo (1992), Bouquets 1-10 (1994-1995), Trace (1996), Two Pictures (1999, co-dir), Les Coquelicots/Poppies (2000), Bouquets 21-24 (2001), Voiliers et coquelicots/Poppies and Sailboats (2001), Bouquets 25, 26-27 (2002-2003), L’invitation au voyage (2003), Bouquets 28-30 (2004-2005), Bouquets 21-30 (2001-2005), Habitat, Batracien/Batrachian (2006), Côté jardin (2007), Bouquets 11-20 (2005-2010), Fleur de sel/Sea Salt Flower (2010), Jardin du soleil/Sun Garden (2010), Jardins du Marais/Marsh Garden (2010), Rien d’extraordinaire/Nothing Special (2010), Jardin du sel/Salt Garden (2012), Sources (2012)
Rose Lowder at IFFR
Shot frame-by-frame and edited in-camera to obfuscate the real image and reveal the imaginary.
Bouquet 25
A summer bouquet with rare flowers from mountain pastures around Cantal.
Bouquets 26-27
Bouquets 26 and 27 are part of a series of one minute films, structured visually in the camera during filming covering a variety of subjects. Bouqu
For Quiproquo Rose Lowder clearly drew on the idiom of experimental cinema. The film +!+ without text, with modern music +!+ comprises original and
Jardin du sel
Enchanting golden glow across the salt fields with the sun low on the horizon. Carefully shot 16mm film by influential French experimental filmmake
Jardin du soleil
Poetic 16mm precision. Footage of nature and sunlight intermingled by repeatedly running the film through the camera.
Rien d’extraordinaire
Intimate, poetic film diary in Rose Lowder’s signature style. She ran the film through the camera multiple times whilst recording a mountain
The process of perfecting Dorsky’s cinematic form started with Triste. A key film in his oeuvre.