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30 Jan – 9 Feb 2025

Rainer Frimmel

Rainer FRIMMEL (1971, Austria) studied photography and cinematography at the Vienna Higher College for Graphic Art, where he met fellow student Tizza Covi. Since 1996 the two have worked jointly on photography, theatre and cinematic projects. In 2002 they founded their own production company Vento Film to independently produce their work. The pair has received several awards for their documentaries and feature films, including the Europa Cinemas Label in Cannes for La Pivellina (2009) and the Grand Prix Diagonale at the Diagonale Festival of Austrian Film in 2013 for The Shine of the Day (2012). Their most recent film Vera (2022), selected for IFFR 2023, won them the Best Director Award in the Horizons section at Venice Film Festival and a nomination for Best Film.


Weinzentrale (1992), Oh du mein Österreich (1994), Che Bella é la Vita (1998, short), Wien: Sieben Szenen (1998, co-dir), Das ist Alles/That’s All (2001, doc, co-dir), Aufzeichnungen aus dem Tiefparterre/Notes from the Basement (2002, doc), Babooska (2005, doc, co-dir), La Pivellina (2009, co-dir), Der Glanz des Tages/The Shine of Day (2012, co-dir), Emile (2014, doc), Der Fotograf vor der Kamera/The Photographer in Front of the Camera (2014, doc, co-dir), Mister Universo (2016, co-dir), Aufzeichnungen aus der Unterwelt/Notes from the Underworld (2020, doc, co-dir), Vera (2022)

More info: Rainer Frimmel

Rainer Frimmel at IFFR