Michel Banabila
More information will follow soon.
Michel Banabila at IFFR
Vlucht van de valk
Unorthodox dance film about a woman, a butler and a falcon, against the background of spectacular beautiful architecture.
Stop-motion film with images from Google Earth about irrigation processes in the United States. Hypnotising sound and images.
Grid Corrections
When superimposing a rectangular grid on the surface of the earth, spherical deviations have to be fixed. After all, the grid has only two dimensio
This rousing video shows the essence of crowd mentality, the fury and the ecstasy; the visceral thrill of being part of something bigger than yours
Tijd en plaats, een gesprek met mijn moeder
A film about the melancholy of reconstruction. The story of the filmmaker’s mother told in an unexpected, compassionate and visually inventiv
American football is played on rectangular fields, 120 yds long and 160 ft wide. A battle between nature and culture, between organic grass and art
Letting Go
An unusual experiment by a landscape photographer. What does Rotterdam look like through the eyes of a pigeon?