Lee Anne Schmitt
More information will follow soon.
Lee Anne Schmitt at IFFR
The Wash
Lyrical document shot entirely on Super-8 shows a changing America. The film makers return to the long-gone landscape of their childhood.
California Company Town
A documentary essay which casts a probing gaze at California towns abandoned by the industries that created them – onetime boomtowns now haun
The Wash
Lyrical document shot entirely on Super-8 shows a changing America. The film makers return to the long-gone landscape of their childhood.
About a young man who looks up his senile father (once a famous photographer), but also his lover.
All That She Surveys
When I say that I’m not at all sure what All That She Surveys means, I’m not being disingenuous: the film remains fundamentally mysterious to me. (
The Last Buffalo Hunt
For five years, Schmitt and Lynch followed the buffalo hunt in the American West. Their fascinating portrait of a disappearing world contrasts unsp