Jeanne Balibar
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Jeanne Balibar at IFFR
Code 46
Revelation according to Michael Winterbottom: in today’s class-ridden society you are either in or out. But love continues to be unpredictabl
Moving and convincing film about the young widow of a pop star, who fights for her child and against her addiction. A film that is carried by the f
Sade is usually associated with torture and sadism. Jacquot made a fictional portrait in which De Sade (Daniel Auteuil) in 1794, during an unknown
Le stade de Wimbledon
Actor Amalric succeeds amazingly well in filming a novel without a script. The fascination of a woman for a controversial intellectual takes her ba
Intimate short story about a woman (a beautiful role by Jeanne Balibar) whose loneliness is shattered briefly but effectively.
Par exemple, Electre
Balibar, well-known as an actress and singer, left none of her talents unused in her directing debut. In this eclectic homage to Greek tragedy, Bal
Fin août, début septembre
With unchanging intelligence and surgical precision, Assayas investigates modern (French) relationships and their underlying (universal) sensitivit
Dieu seul me voit
Dry and funny feature about the vicissitudes of Albert Jeanjean (30), a naive and morbidly indecisive sound engineer.
Comment je me suis disputé… (ma vie sexuelle)
Relationship film that is also a refined parody of the genre. And anti philosophers.
Ne change rien
Intimate portrait shot in black & white of the French actress/singer Jeanne Balibar. In long, static shots, Pedro Costa manages to capture the