Júlio Bressane
Filmmaker Júlio BRESSANE (1946, Brazil) started his film career as an assistant director to Walter Lima Jr. and directed his first feature film, Cara a Cara, in 1967, rising as an important figure in Brazil’s Cinema Marginal. He founded the production company Belair Movies in 1970, together with Rogério Sganzerla, before moving to London in exile. Bressane’s poetic and essayistic work is among the most exemplary of Brazilian experimental film, concentrating especially on the relationship between picture and soundtrack. He received the Bastone Bianco Award for Dias de Nietzsche em Turin (2001) at the Venice Film Festival. In 2008, he received the honorary Eduardo Abelin Trophy at Gramado Film Festival. Educação Sentimental (2013) premiered at Locarno Film Festival and was nominated for a Golden Leopard. The Long Voyage of the Yellow Bus, an extensive retrospective of his six decades of filmmaking, had its world premiere at IFFR 2023.
Lima Barreto: trajetória (1966, short), Bethânia bem de Perto (1966, short), Cara a cara/Face to Face (1967), O Anjo Nasceu/An Angel Is Born (1969), Matou a Família e Foi ao Cinema/Killed the Family and Went to the Movies (1969), A Miss e o Dinossauro/The Miss and the Dinosaur (1970), Família do Barulho (1970), Barao Olavo, o Horrivel/Baron Olavo, the Horrible (1970), Cuidado, Madame!/Madame, Beware (1970), A Fada do Oriente (1970), Amor Louco/Crazy Love (1971), Memórias de um Estrangulador de Loiras (1971), Lágrima Pantera (1972), O Rei do Baralho/The King of Cards (1973), O monstro Caraíba − Nova História Antiga do Brasil (1975), Perdidas de Amor (1977), A agonia/Agony (1978), Viola Chinesa: Meu Encontro com o Cinema Brasileiro (1979, short), O gigante da América/The Giant of America (1979), Cinema Inocente (1981), Tabu (1982), Brás Cubas (1985), Sermões: A História de Antônio Vieira (1989), Galaxia Albina (1991), Quem Seria o Feliz Conviva de Isadora Duncan? (1992), O Cinema do Cinema (1992), Oswaldianas (1992, segment: Quem seria o feliz conviva de Isadora Duncan?) Infernalario: Logodedalo (1992), Antonioni Hitchcock: A Imagem em Fuga (1993), O mandarim/The Mandarin (1995), Miramar (1997), Sao Jerônimo/Saint Jerome (1999), Dias de Nietzsche em Turin/Nietzsche’s Days in Turin (2001), Filme de Amor/A Love Movie (2003), Cléopatra (2007), Ver viver reviver (2007, short doc), A Erva do Rato/The Rat Herb (2008), Rua Aperana 52/Aperana Street 52 (2012), O Batuque dos Astros (2012, doc), Educação Sentimental/Sentimental Education (2013), Venice 70: Future Reloaded (2013, segment: untitled), Kid (2015), Beduino (2016), Sedução da Carne/Seduction of the Flesh (2018), Nietzsche Sils Maria Rochedo de Surlej (2019, co-dir), Capitu e o Capítulo/Capitu and the Chapter (2021), A Longa Viagem do Ônibus Amarelo/ The Long Voyage of the Yellow Bus (2023, co-dir)
More info: Wikipedia, Júlio Bressane
Júlio Bressane at IFFR
Capitu and the Chapter
Brazilian classic novel filmed as an ironic/philosophical essay on poetry and jealousy. Surprising and experimental.
The Long Voyage of the Yellow Bus
Júlio Bressane looks back at his career in this very long stream-of-consciousness edit containing scenes from all his films!
Bressane created an imaginary encounter between three 20th-century geniuses, in which he portrayed the composer Lamartine Babo (a role by Caetano Velo
Julio Bressane focus
O Mandarim
Fictitious musical about the history of popular Brazilian music. The most important singers/composers such as Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa, Edu Lobo, Rapha
Julio Bressane focus
O anjo nasceu
The film that established Bressane’s name as one of the most inventive ‘auteurs’ in Brazilian cinema. The then-prevailing conventions are broken in th
Julio Bressane focus
Sao Jerônimo
Using sober means yet great inventiveness, Bressane evokes the concrete and spiritual world of the Holy Hieronymous and in doing so makes a very origi
Julio Bressane focus
Matou a família e foi ao cinema
This film caused a stir in 1969, not just because of its content, but largely because of the daring and bare-bones approach to the content. These days
Julio Bressane focus
Light, fresh, passionate cinematographic fable about a young inhabitant of Rio, Miramar, who arms himself with a 16mm camera and decides to film every
Julio Bressane focus
The Rat Herb
Surrealism was invented in France, or maybe you could say discovered. But the South Americans have remained faithful to it right up to today, as is de
Sensual, lyrical, intelligent and musical: stylised Brazilian film version of the well-known story of Cleopatra and the structures of seduction and po
Kings & Aces