Hetty Naaijkens-Retel Helmrich
More information will follow soon.
Hetty Naaijkens-Retel Helmrich at IFFR
De oogst van de stilte
Documentary about modern Chinese music after the Cultural Revolution.
Stand van de maan
Part two of the cinema-vérité trilogy by Retel Helmrich about modern Indonesia. A Christian widow with two Moslem sons tries to survive in the soci
Eat Your Enemy
It could be a documentary about martial arts. But in fact it is a documentary about aggression. And about spirituality. About values. It is, in ess
Yang Ban Xi – De 8 modelwerken
Story of the revolutionary model operas (yan ban xi) also extends to later adventures of the dancing and singing stars of these colourful propagand
The Eye of the Day
Beautiful and occasionally shocking story of changes in Indonesia based on the lives of a widow and her sons.