Fabrizio Ferraro

Screenwriter and filmmaker Fabrizio FERRARO (Italy) studied film science and philosophy of language, before devoting himself to making documentaries and feature films. Lauded by Italian critics as one of the country’s ‘most important filmmakers’, his films have all been theatrically distributed in Italy, and broadcast by Rai Television in the slot ‘Raitre-Fuori Orario’. No stranger to IFFR, the introspective black-and-white film Les Unwanted de Europa (2017) had its world premiere at IFFR 2018, and his documentary Checkpoint Berlin had its world premiere at IFFR 2020. I morti rimangono con la boccaaperta (2022) was selected for IFFR 2023.
Tetralogia di film-studio sull’amatorialità (2006-2008), Je suis Simone – La condition ouvrière (2009, doc), Piano sul pianeta – Malgrado tutto, coraggio Francesco! (2010,doc), Ethos (Verrà presto il giorno in cui gli attori e le attrici non crederanno più che le loro maschere e i loro costumi siano essi stessi) (2011, short), Penultimo paesaggio (2011), Quattro notti di uno straniero (2013), Quando dal cielo/Wenn aus dem Himmel (2015, doc), Sebastian 0 (2016, doc), Colossale sentimento (2016, doc), Gli indesiderati d’Europa/Les Unwanted de Europa (2017), Checkpoint Berlin (2020, doc, mid-length), I morti rimangono con la bocca aperta/The Dead Remain with Their Mouths Open(2022)
Fabrizio Ferraro at IFFR
I morti rimangono con la bocca aperta
Crossing snow-covered mountains, four resistance fighters evade enemy eyes in an austere, visually stark work.
Checkpoint Berlin
Personal stories meld into a serene, contemplative walk along the history of the Berlin wall.
Les Unwanted de Europa
The rocky landscapes of the smuggling route from France into Spain is an imposing backdrop to the last days of Jewish cultural philosopher Walter B