Chantal Akerman
Chantal AKERMAN (1950-2015, Belgium) was an actress, screenwriter, and filmmaker. In addition, she was a film professor at the City College of New York. She was one of the best-known experimental filmmakers of the 1970s and 1980s. At the age of 25, she made the three-hour film Jeanne Dielman, 23, Quai du Commerce 1080 Bruxelles (1975), which instantly made her one of the icons of European avant-garde cinema. From the 1990s onward, her work became increasingly accessible with the occasional excursions into comedy, such as A Couch in New York (1996). Her last film, No Home Movie (2014), documented the dying process of her mother, an Auschwitz survivor and her greatest inspiration. In 2015, Chantal Akerman passed away at the age of 65.
Saute ma ville (1968, short), L’enfant aimé (1971, short), La chambre (1972, short), Hôtel Monterey (1972), Le 15/8 (1973, short), Hanging Out Yonkers (1973, short), Je, tu, il, elle (1974), Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975), News from Home (1977, doc), Les rendez-vous d’Anna/The Meetings of Anna (1978), Dis-moi (1980, short TV), Toute une nuit (1982), Les années 80 (1983, doc), Un jour Pina a demandé…/On Tour with Pina Bausch (1983, short TV doc), L’homme à la valise (1983, TV), Paris vu par… 20 ans après (1984, segment J’ai faim, J’ai froid), New York, New York bis (1984, short), Lettre d’un cinéaste: Chantal Akerman (1984, TV short), Family Business (1984, short TV), Seven Women, Seven Sins (1986, segment Portrait d’une paresseuse), Golden Eighties (1986), Mallet-Stevens (1986, short), Letters Home (1986), Le marteau (1986, short), La paresse (1986, short), Histoires d’Amérique (1989), Trois strophes sur le nom de Sacher (1990, short), Les trois dernières sonates de Franz Schubert (1989, short), Nuit et jour/Night and Day (1991), Contre l’oubli/Lest We Forget (1991, segment Pour Febe Elisabeth Velasquez), Monologues (1993, TV series, episode: Le déménagement), D’Est/From the East (1993, doc), Tous les garçons et les filles de leur âge (1993-1995, TV series, episode: Portrait d’une jeune fille de la fin des années 60 à Bruxelles), Un divan à New York/A Couch in New York (1996), Cinema de notre temps (1988-2015, TV series doc, episode: Chantal Akerman (1997)), Sud (1999, doc), La captive/The Captive (2000), De l’autre côté/From the Other Side (2002, doc), Avec Sonia Wieder-Atherton (2003, short TV doc), Demain on déménage/Tomorrow We Move (2004), Là-bas/Down There (2006, doc), O estado do mundo/State of the World (2007, segment Tombée de nuit sur Shanghai), Women from Antwerp in November (2008, doc), À l’Est avec Sonia Wieder-Atherton (2009, TV doc), La folie Almayer/Almayer’s Folly (2011), No Home Movie (2015, doc)
More info: Wikipedia, Chantal Akerman
Chantal Akerman at IFFR
Documentary about the inner and outer landscape of the United States. TDISPLAY STATUShe trail of a racist murder in Jaspar, Texas is followed in minut
main programme features
Saute ma ville
Youthful perfection by Chantal Akerman. The ideal lesson for every young film maker.
Signals: First Things First
La captive
Subdued and elegant film based on Proust about Simon’s obsession for his girlfriend, his willing prisoner who always maintains her distance, to protec
main programme features
De l’autre côté, fragment d’une installation
The subject of the work De l’autre côté is the attempts of Mexicans to illegally enter the United States. Akerman made recordings in the no-man’s-land near Agua Prieta where people set up improvised camps, waiting for an opportunity to cross the border. She also filmed in Douglas, Arizona, where ranchers take the liberty of opening […]
TRUE STORIES Installaties
De l’autre côté
Committed and with stylish design, master film maker Chantal Akerman shows the unequal battle between desperate Mexican immigrants and technologically
True Stories
Akerman couldn’t leave her room in Tel Aviv due to terror attacks. From her apartment, she spies on neighbouring apartments. A truly voyeuristic
The Spying Thing