A devastating amalgam of horror, Hindi and hospital drama as a pair of young Asian medics struggle through a long dark night (shift) of the soul, fuelled by class A drugs, hunger, paranoia and an irresistible erotic charge.
A child’s impression of his father’s despair.
A spectacularly foul-mouthed version of Shakespeare’s famous balcony scene.
Fast and furious short, with a neat twist on family values.
Big boys don’t cry, but what happens when a child’s game goes horribly wrong?
A mysterious allegorical story that goes hand in hand with the mysterious landscape.
A lottery ticket and a life or death scenario.
Against the quiet background of a small fishing village on the East coast of Zanzibar, a fire rages in the hearts of three individuals, and the whole
Four fifty-somethings think up a scenario to carry out the perfect robbery.
Dance film about the dramatic division of Siamese twins.