Flip van der Kuil
Flip VAN DER KUIL (1980, The Netherlands) is a Dutch film and television maker who made his TV debut with De Pulpshow in 2001, which he co-created with Steffen Haars. As a comedic duo they have produced several TV shows and films together and are best-known for the TV series New Kids (2007-2009). Van der Kuil has starred in a hand full of films as himself, starring in Ruben Broekhuis’ Circus (IFFR, 2009). Krazy House (2024) is selected for IFFR 2024.
(selection) De Pulpshow (2001, TV, co-dir), The Trip (2003, TV, co-dir), Baby Blues (2004, co-dir), New Kids (2007-2009, TV series, co-dir), Op vakantie (2006, short, co-dir), New Kids Turbo (2010, co-dir), New Kids Nitro (2011, co-dir), Bro’s Before Ho’s (2013, co-dir), Ron Goossens, Low Budget Stuntman (2017, co-dir), Barrie Barista en het Einde der Tijden (2020), Red Fried District (2021, co-dir), Krazy House (2024, co-dir)
More Info: Wikipedia, Flip van der Kuil
Flip van der Kuil at IFFR
Krazy House
A riotous, extreme, unhinged comedy from Dutch duo Steffen & Flip. 2024’s cult movie!
A fifteen-year-old boy discovers the positive influence of extraordinary people on the street.
Made in Rotterdam