Katja Stuke
More information will follow soon.
Katja Stuke at IFFR
My Personal Hitchcock
Storyboards summarise a complete film in just a few images. A sequence of apparently loose images is transformed with the fantasy and ideas of the viewer into action. In her work `My Personal Hitchcock’, Katja Stuke combines still images from several films by Alfred Hitchcock into a new, personal storyboard. By taking film images out […]
Frau Böhm
`Die Böhm’, a photographic cooperation between the artist friends Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber, is a project that has appeared since September 1999 in the form of a magazine. It is published about four times a year in Düsseldorf, each time with a different umbrella subject. The photographic project reflects the differences, but also the […]