Clemens Klopfenstein

Clemens Klopfenstein

Still: Cinema bruciato
Clemens KLOPFENSTEIN (1944, Täuffelen) studied art in Basel and Zurich. As a painter, he has received prizes for his work and in 1981 he was awarded the DAAD Filmstipendium in Berlin. He has also worked as a cameraman for several filmmakers. In his own work, he is inspired by myths and sagas, which he portrays hyper-realistically and with great humour.


Ceremony (1970-77), Geschichte der Nacht (1979), E nachtlang Geschichte der Nacht (1979, Transes - Reiter auf dem toten Pferd (1981), E nachtlang Füürland (1981), Das Schlesische Tor (1982), Der Ruf der Sybilla (1984), I han es Bibili (Ich habe Akne) (1985), Omaggio a Luca Signorelli (1986), Macao oder die Ruckseite des Meeres (1988), Stones, Storm and Water (1989), Das vergessene Tal (1990), Füürland 2 (1992), Home Movies by Klopfenstein (1993), Casa-Piazza-Bar-Piazza-Bar (1994), Die Gemmi - I (1994, short), Das Schweigen der Männer (1997), Wer hat Angst vor dem umbrischen Wolf? (1998), Alp-Traum (1999, TV), WerAngstWolf (2000), Die Vogelpredigt oder Das Schreien der Mönche/St. Francis Birds Tour (2005), Weg nach Rio/Way to Rio (2008, co-dir), The It.Aliens (2009, short doc, co-dir), Rousseau vs. Rousseau (2011, short, co-dir), Figures in a Nightscape (2012, short, co-dir), Das Ächzen der Asche (2018), La Luce Romana... vista da Ferraniacolor (2021, short), Cinema bruciato (2024)

More Info: Clemens Klopfenstein

Clemens Klopfenstein at IFFR