IFFR Unleashed

IFFR Unleashed payment options

Get started with IFFR Unleashed by choosing how you want to pay.

Our payment options are detailed below. Select the one that suits you in the left sidebar, and before you do so, make sure to create or sign in to your IFFR account.

Please note: IFFR Unleashed subscriptions are only available in the Benelux. The availability of films can vary from country to country. The country in which you registered determines which films you’ll have access to. It’s currently not possible to watch films in the USA and Canada. 

For more information about IFFR Unleashed subscriptions and billing terms, please read our terms of use.

Do you have any questions?

Find answers in our IFFR Unleashed FAQ

Payment options

Choose your payment method. Note: if you don't have an IFFR account already, you have to create an account first before you can watch films on IFFR Unleashed.

IFFR Unleashed monthly subscription



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