Angel Vergara

Angel VERGARA (1958, Belgium), also known for his performances under the name Straatman, is an artist whose work contains a wide range of media and disciplines, including performances, drawings, paintings, videos and installations. His work is shown worldwide at film festivals and in solo and group exhibitions. He lives and works in Brussels.


(all short) Palais d’Egmont. Peinture en 1 acte et 12 tableaux (1988), El callejero (2006), Straatman’s Contracts (2006), Enfin unis, instruits et libres (2007), Atencion! Algunas vueltas mas para llegar… (2007), El Pintor (2007), Prologue - La vie d’une œuvre d’art (2010), MONDAY: FIREWORKS; TUESDAY: ILLUMINATIONS; WEDNESDAY: REVOLUTION (2010), Dyptique (2011, Feuilleton (2011), and yes I said yes I will Yes (2012)