Luis Recoder: Poetics of Interference

Luis Recoder

IFFR 2000

Poetics of Interference Departing from a different sort of scratch - taking long abandoned 'found' films from their cans - Luis Recoder re-energises the forms of these sleeping films and their structuring of time and space to create entirely new experiences. 'Recoder has been creating a sensation with his projection performances using multiple strips of film fed into a single projector or an array of projectors with duplicate prints. As in early cinema at the turn of the last century, Recoder foregrounds the magical and the mechanical notion of the apparatus and the role of the projectionist as a star performer and author of experience. These pieces conjure up beguiling spectacle using delicate manipulations and elegantly simple technical dare devilry.' (The Film Society of Lincoln Centre)Taking marginalised or dated material (an indoor cycle-race, a long forgotten B western, a pedantic instructional film on wound dressing), Recoder has (on the cusp of the digital age) returned us to the magical pleasures of the illusionists of cinema. By projecting his doubled images he discloses the weird, often surreal, poetry of his originals and creates a fascinating exploration of times that interweave, overlap and obsessively loop over each other. 'At the limit of cinema's dream of illusion (illusion of dream), aperture in the screen through which another screen has been erected, bathing our transparency in a different light, subdued and scattered, refracting wildly.' (Luis Recoder) Programme: Bare Strip (1998, 16mm, 9 min), Ballad Of... (1997-99, 16mm, 25 min), Magenta (1997-99, 16mm, 9.5 min), Moebius Strip (1998-99, 16mm, 12 min), Light Sensitive (1999, 16mm, 7.5 min), Untitled (1999, 16mm, 16 min), Paper Print (1999, 16mm, 6.5 min)

Luis Recoder

IFFR 2000

Luis Recoder
Festival Edition
IFFR 2000
Luis Recoder
Festival Edition
IFFR 2000