Patrick Bokanowski

Patrick Bokanowski

Patrick BOKANOWSKI (1943, France) is an avant-garde film maker. The Angel is the most outstanding work in his oeuvre.


The Woman Who Powders Herself (1972, short), Déjeuner du matin/To Lunch of the Morning (1974, short), L'ange/The Angel (1982), La part du hasard/The Share of the Chance (1984), The Beach (1992, short), Au bord du lac/At the Edge of the Lake (1993, short), Flammes/Flames (1998, short), Le canard à l'orange/The Duck in Orange Sauce (2002, short), Éclats d'Orphée/Glares of Orphée (2002, short), Battements solaires/Solar Beats (2008, short)