Moustapha Alassane

French film maker and anthropologist Jean Rouch supported Moustapha ALASSANE (1942, Niger) with his education and accommodation in Canada. There he met the famous Scottish-born Canadian animator and film director Norman McLaren. Alassane's body of work consists of animations, documentaries and fiction films. Numerous retrospectives of Alassane’s career have been held at several international film festivals worldwide.


La bague du roi Koda (1962, short), Aoure (1962, short), La pileuse de Mil (1962), Le piroguier (1962), La mort du Gandji (1963, short), L’arachide de Santchira (1964), Le retour d'un aventurier (1966, short), Bon voyage Sim (1966), Malbaza (1967), Les contrebandiers (1969), Deela ou Albarka (1970), Jamyya (1971), FVVA: Femme, villa, voiture, argent (1972), Abimbola ou Shaki (1972), Siberi (1973), Soubane (1974), Toula ou Le génie des eaux (1974), Zaboa (1975), Samba le grand (1978, short), Agwane mon village (1982), Kankamba ou le semeur de discorde (1982), Gourimou (1982), Soolo (2000), Adieu Sim (2000), Les magiciens de l'Ader (2001), Agaissa (2001), Kokoa (2001, short), Tagimba (2003)