Henrik Martin Dahlsbakken

Henrik Martin Dahlsbakken

Still: Munch
Acclaimed filmmaker, producer and writer Henrik Martin DAHLSBAKKEN (1989, Norway) is self-taught in his filmmaking practice, and has won several awards for his short and feature films, which have screened at festivals around the world. He made waves with his debut feature Returning Home (2015), which was shortlisted as Norway’s candidate for Best Foreign Language Film at the Academy Awards. Dahlsbakken is part of production house The Film Company, along with his brother, cinematographer Oskar Dahlsbakken, and producer Åsmund Kjos Fjell. His film Munch (2023) was selected as IFFR 2023’s opening-night film. In 2024 he joins IFFR again with Konvoi (2023).


Tiden imellom/The Time in Between (2010, short), Mannen fra isødet/The Devil's Ballroom (2012, short), En prest og en plage (2013, short), En fremmed (2014, short), My Light in Darkness (2014, short), Å vende tilbake/Returning Home (2015), Takk for turen (2016, short), Sensomer/Late Summer (2016), Cave (2016), Ret vest/Going West (2017), En dag i juli (2018, short), En affære/An Affair (2018), Gledelig jul/Another Happy Christmas (2020), Neste Sommer (2020, TV series), Project Z (2021), De Fredløse/The Outlaws (2021), Forbannelsen/Possession (2022), Munch (2023), Konvoi/The Arctic Convoy (2023)