Frederick Wiseman

Frederick Wiseman was born the son of a Russian lawyer and the director of a psychiatric clinic in Boston. After completing his law studies at Yale and Harvard he first worked as a lawyer in Paris, then as professor in Boston, before going on to make documentaries.


Titicut Follies (1967), High School (1968), Law and Order (1969), Hospital (1970), Basic Training (1971), Essene (1972), Juvenile Court (1973), Primate (1974), Welfare (1975), Meat (1976), Canal Zone (1977), Sinai Field Mission (1978), Manoeuvre (1979), Model (1980), Seraphita's Diary (1982), The Store (1983), Racetrack (1985), Blind (1986), Deaf (1986), Adjustment and Work (1986), Multi-Handicapped (1986), Missile (1987), Near Death (1989), Central Park (1989), Aspen (1991), Zoo (1993), High School II (1994), Ballet (1995)