IFFR KINO #27: Reality


Year round 2019

On Wednesday 4 December we step into the surreal world Reality. In this fifth feature film by French filmmaker Quentin Dupieux (known for his film Rubber and the music he produces under the name Mr. Oizo) logic is nowhere to be found.

'Reality' here is the name of a girl who one morning watches her dad gut a freshly shot boar; its innards contain a VHS tape. Denis hosts some cookery show in a full-body mouse costume. Jason is a cameraman who dreams of making a movie called Waves in which people's brains are blown up by TV sets, because television makes people stupid; imagine his dismay on entering a cinema where Waves runs in front of a hate-filled and indiferent audience!

Reality is an homage to B movies with an absurd plot, a bit of science fiction and a lot of very dry humour.


Quentin Dupieux, 2014, France, 87’, French, English subtitles


Year round 2019