
VriendenLoterij Instant Favourite

The sneak preview of the VriendenLoterij and IFFR on Saturday, Feb. 3, 2024! Exciting! Because you won't know which film you are going to see until the lights go out and the opening titles come into view. One thing is certain: it is a guaranteed festival hit, because it will be chosen from the top 10 films of the audience award.

Order your tickets an be part of the thrill.

Do you have a VriendenLoterij VIP CARD? Check here how to order your free tickets for this special.

The VriendenLoterij is an indispensable support for IFFR and for the cultural Netherlands. Since 2013, VriendenLoterij has been associated with the festival as a main partner. We take great pride in our partnership of over 10-years. 

Culture connects, inspires and enriches. However, culture is also vulnerable and deserves protection so that we and future generations can continue to enjoy it. The structural support of the VriendenLoterij is therefore also a confirmation of the importance of a festival such as IFFR; a place where we open ourselves up to stories and cinema from all over the world. IFFR is extremely pleased that the VriendenLoterij has been involved with the festival for so long.

VriendenLoterij Instant Favourite