Volunteer Policy
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Stichting International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR). When you volunteer at IFFR, the following agreements and conditions apply:
1. Nature of the volunteer role
1.1 The volunteer’s work is exclusively supportive and aimed at supporting IFFR. These tasks do not fall under the responsibilities of paid employees and are not activities that paid employees within the organisation currently perform or have performed in the recent past.
1.2. No qualifications or specific training are required to do the volunteering.
1.3. We expect volunteers to follow the instructions of their coordinator at all times, to ensure that everything can run smoothly and pleasantly for everyone.
2. Working hours and schedule
2.1. The activities will take place before, during and after the festival, depending on the role.
2.2. Working hours vary depending on the role and will be agreed with you in advance. You can expect a shift to last between 5 and 8 hours on average.
2.3. We ask you to contribute a minimum of 25 hours to the festival. Depending on your availability, this can amount to 60 hours maximum, but we will discuss this with you in advance.
2.4. The schedule will be compiled by the IFFR coordinators, based on the availability you have communicated in advance.
3. Regulations concerning illness, absence and changing shifts
3.1. If you are ill or unable to attend for any other reason, please inform your coordinator as soon as possible. Please inform us by telephone, unless you have made other arrangements with your coordinator. You should also send an email to the volunteer coordinators with the reason for your cancellation.
3.2. You can swap your shifts with other volunteers in the same role, provided you do so in consultation with your (sub)coordinator. This way we can ensure that the work remains well distributed.
3.3. In case of any unforeseen absences or unexpected drop out, IFFR will provide a replacement, so that the continuity of the work is guaranteed.
4. Insurance
4.1. As a volunteer, you are insured under IFFR’s policy for the duration of your services.
4.2. IFFR will not hold you liable for damage you cause accidentally unless there is intent, gross fault or conscious recklessness.
4.3. IFFR is not responsible or liable for theft or loss of your personal belongings. We advise you to keep a close eye on your valuables, or keep them in the lockers provided for this purpose (should these be present at the venue).
5. Additional agreements
5.1. The volunteer should be at least 18 years old upon commencing their first shift.
5.2. You must be in possession of a valid European passport or ID, or a Dutch residence permit. IFFR is not allowed to hire volunteers who do not meet these requirements due to legal obligations.
5.3. If you do not live in Rotterdam, you must provide your own accommodation and transport. Any travel and accommodation expenses will not be reimbursed by IFFR.
5.4. You must comply with IFFR’s (house) rules and general conditions, as communicated via the website, emails or volunteer manuals.
5.5. During your volunteer work, we expect a professional work attitude from you. This means that you are reliable and friendly towards colleagues, visitors and guests.
5.6. During your shifts, you always wear the festival badge and preferably also the crew T-shirt. Furthermore, we expect that you will maintain a well-presented appearance.
5.7. During your shift, IFFR will provide lunch or an evening meal, such as sandwiches, fruit and drinks. Outside your working hours, you are not allowed to use the volunteer room or facilities.
5.8. While performing the tasks and while wearing the crew shirt, badge and/or IFFR expressions in general, it is not allowed to be under the influence of alcohol, soft/hard drugs and/or other narcotics.
5.9. IFFR may use visual material on which you can be seen as a volunteer for communication purposes, such as photos of the festival used on the website or in promotional material. If you object to this, please let the volunteer coordinators know.
5.10. We keep a volunteer administration in which we register your contact details and your work history at IFFR. This data is carefully managed and only used for purposes related to the festival. If you object to this, please let the volunteer coordinators know.
5.11. By registering as a volunteer, you are automatically subscribed to the newsletter for (former) volunteers. This newsletter may appear several times a year for up to two years after registration.
6. Diversity, inclusivity and Code of Conduct
IFFR is a place for film enthusiasts of all backgrounds, and it is important that everyone feels welcome and respected. We strive for a safe environment where respect is key and where everyone can be themselves. Therefore, any form of harassment, discrimination, sexism, or other undesirable behaviour is not tolerated.
The volunteer programme is crucial not only for organising the annual festival but also for bringing people together and creating a sense of belonging. To ensure that our volunteer group is diverse and inclusive, reflecting our audience, guests and the Rotterdam community, anyone with a valid European (EEA) passport or Dutch residence permit can apply to volunteer at IFFR, subject to the following:
6.1. When selecting volunteers, we do not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability or any other personal characteristics. Everyone is welcome to apply, as long as you meet the passport/residence permit requirements.
6.2. We try to take your preferences, experience and availability into account as much as possible when assigning roles. These decisions are made in consultation with you.
6.3. We expect you to treat your fellow volunteers, festival staff, guests and the public with respect. By signing this agreement, you indicate that you are aware of and comply with our code of conduct.
6.4. IFFR has a zero-tolerance policy for undesirable behaviour, such as intimidation, discrimination, violence or other forms of inappropriate behaviour. Should anyone be found guilty of this, access to the festival may be denied.
If you experience undesirable behaviour during your work or feel uncomfortable about something, you can always contact the volunteer coordinators at volunteers@IFFR.com or 010 890 90 90.
For sensitive matters you would rather not talk to the coordinators about, an external confidential advisor is also available via https://mores.online/.
(This text was last updated in October 2024).
We look forward to working with you to make the festival a great success and hope you will have a great experience as a volunteer!