Stuart Sherman

Stuart SHERMAN (1946-2001, USA) was celebrated as an avant-garde performer, but also worked in film, video and other visual arts, in addition to writing plays and poems.


(all short) Globes (1977), Scotty and Stuart (1977), Skating (1978), Tree Film (1978), Edwin Denby (1978), Camera/Cage (1978), Flying (1979), Baseball/TV (1979), Hand/Water (1979), Piano/Music (1979), Roller Coaster/Reading (1979), Fountain/Car (1980), Rock/String (1980), Elevator/Dance (1980), Thatre Piece (1980), Bridge Film (1981), Racing (1981), Five Flowers (1982), Typewriting (1982), Chess (1982), Golf Film (1982), Fish Story (1983), Portrait of Benedicte Pesle (1984), Mr. Ashley Proposes (1985), Berlin (West)/Andere Richtungen (1986), Eating (1986), The Discovery of the Phonograph (1986), Gray Matter (1987), Video Walk (1987), Scotty Snyder (1987), Berlin Tour (1988), Black-Eyed Susan (1989), Liberation (1993), Yes & Noh Karaoke (1993), Scaffolding (1993), Don't Hang Up I'm Freezing (1993), A Glass of Fish (1993), Cheers! (1993), Black and White & Grain (1993), The Leap (1993), Son of Scotty and Stuart (1993), Bill Rice's Beer Garden (1994), Me and Joe (1994), 8 Eggs (1994), Pull (1994), News Break (1994), Holy Bible (1994), Ah Choo! (1994)