Marcos Loayza

Marcos Loyaza (1959, La Paz) studied at the international film and television school 'San Antonio de los Baños' in Cuba. He studied with the scriptwriters Jean-Claude Carrière and Bryce Echenique, and directed several documentaries and drama shorts.


El olor de la vejez (1988), Cuando tú te hayas ido, me envolverán la sombras (1990), Sobre la tierra (1991, short), La voz de la tierra (1991, short), Trabajando futuro (1991, short), Tierra generosa (1991, short), Blood Has a Name (1991, short), Motel Stories (1992, TV), Onhe atem/Sin aliento/Breathless (1993, short), Radio Pasión (1993, TV), The Buried Memory (1994, short), Cuestión de Fe/A Matter of Fate (1995)