Llyn Foulkes

Llyn FOULKES (1934, USA) is a visual artist and musician based in Los Angeles. After studying at Chouinard Art Institute (now CalArts), Foulkes began exhibiting his paintings in the early 1960s. In 1967, Foulkes was awarded the Prize for Painting at the Paris Biennale, after which he gained a European exhibition. Over five decades, he has built up an eclectic oeuvre that includes “intriguing meditations on the nature of photographic images, a light romance with nostalgic Americana, savage portraits reminiscent of Francis Bacon and scathing commentaries on the insidious nature of commercial pop culture – particularly the products of Disney”.


(selection) Happy Song for You (2011, short, co-dir)

More info:
Llyn Foulkes
Wikipedia, Llyn Foulkes

Llyn Foulkes at IFFR