Ermanno Olmi

Ermanno OLMI (1931, Treviglio, Lombardy) after World War Two worked for the Edison Volta electricity company, about which he made some forty documentaries. In 1959 he was able to make his first feature with the financial aid of Edison Volta. In 1978 he won the Golden Palm for The Tree of Wooden Clogs. Since then he has made over ten features, many on biblical subjects.


Il tempo si è fermato (1958), Il posto (1961), I fidanzati (1962), E venne u uomo/And There Came a Man (1965), La cotta/The Crush (1967), Un certo giorno/One Fine Day (1968), I recuperanti/The Scavengers (1969), La circostanza/The Circumstance (1973), L'albero degli zoccoli/The Tree With Wooden Clogs (1978), Cammina, cammina/Walking, Walking (1983), Lunga vita alla signora/Long Live the Lady! (1987), La leggenda del santo bevitore/The Legend of the Holy Drinker (1988), Lungo il fiume/Down the River (1992), Il segreto del bosco vecchio/The Secret of Old Woods (1993), Genesi: La creazione e il diluvio/The Creation and the Flood (1994), Il mestiere delle armi/The Profession of Arms (2001), Cantando dietro i paraventi/Singing Behind Screens (2003), Tickets (2004, co-dir) Centochiodi/One Hundred Nails (2007)