Effie Wu

Effie WU (1973, Taiwan) founded the rock band Cat Fight in the 1990s. She lived and worked in Italy for several years before finishing her MFA in Experimental Media Art at the Berlin University of the Arts in 2008. She has been living and working in Berlin since then.


Eine kleine Nachtmusik/A Little Serenade (2004, short), Pau Pau Bau (2004, short), Schau mich an, bitte!/Look at Me Please (2004, short), Zeitscheiben (2004, short), Mein Alltagsleben ist mein Leben/My Everyday Life Is My Life (2005, instal), Wahn (2005, short), Lebenslaufen (2006, short), Super Smile (2007, short), Alienate (2008, instal), Körperkämmen (2009, instal)