Dima El-Horr

Dima El-Horr

Dima ELL-HORR (1972, Lebanon) studied film at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She now teaches at the Lebanese American University. She is camera operator, editor and director. Her short films The Street (1997) and Prêt-à-porter, Imm Ali (2003) were screened at various festivals. As in her debut film Every Day is a Holiday (2009) war plays a major part in these productions.


Echo of a Prayer (1992, doc), Beaux Arts à Beirut (1995, doc), Lost Identity (1994, short), El Havi / The Street (1997, short), Prêt-à-porter, Imm Ali (2003, short), Chaque jour est une fête / Every Day is a Holiday (2009)