Claudia Claremi

Claudia Claremi

Still: Caballito

Visual artist and filmmaker, Claudia CLAREMI graduated in Documentary Film Directing from the International Film School of San Antonio de los Baños and in Fine Arts from the University of the Arts London and the Instituto Superior de Arte de La Habana. Her films El Tiempo (2020), Centella (2019), Murciélago (2018) and El Monte (2018) have been screened and awarded at film festivals such as Raindance, Ann Arbor, Ji.hlava, FIC Guadalajara, Documentamadrid, Márgenes, the Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, Vienna Shorts, Makedox, FIDBA, MIDBO, Trinidad+Tobago FF and PhotoEspaña.


(all short) Patio de butacas (2016), Realidad Virtual (2016), Costa linda (2016), Anón (2016), Ceiba (2017), El Monte/The Woodland (2018), Murciélago/Bat (2018), Centella/Firefly (2019), Amnesia Colonial (estupor / avenencia) (2020), El Tiempo (2020), Capricho (2021), Hailstone (2021), Banana Tree (2023), Caballito (2023)