Christina Benz

Christina BENZ (1972, Zurich) obtained in 2004 her BA (with honours) in Fine Art at the Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. Since 2002 her film work and installations have been shown all over Europe.


(all video installations) Megaphone (2002), Asleep (2003), Citizens (2003-04), Lake-split (2003-04), The lake (2003-04), Hit and miss (2004), There is always hope (2004), Pending/feathers (2004), Pending/lift (2004), Pending/water (2004), Numbered (2005), Pool (2005), Biscuit (2006), Coin (2006), Turn (2006), Milk (2006), Trapped (2006), Ripple 01 (2006), Turn (2006)